26 Apr 2015

Day 1 of the Alter Ego Tour

Hello beauty lovers,

I want to share with you my experience I had earlier this year when I went to the Hrush 'Alter Ego Tour' Seminar. It was so inspirational and I got to hang out with two of my fav beauty bloggers of all time Huda Kattan (Huda Beauty on Instagram) and Hrush Achemyan otherwise known as StyledByHrush (Instagram). Below: On the left is Hrush and on the right is Huda #selfiequeens hehe.

So for real, in the morning before it all started I was running around like a chook with its head cut off! (Excuse the expression lol) but I felt like I was going on a first date or meeting the Queen or something because I was so nervous about going to this event (well in fairness Hrush is the Queen of Contour hehe so it kind of counts), I kept thinking;

What do I wear?
How do I do my makeup?
What am I going to do with my hair?

And I didn't help my nerves by having 2 massive mugs of coffee hehe whoops!

Anyways eventually I got ready and arrived to the seminar... 1 hour early!!!! Great start Lexi... What a keen bean haha!

Hi!! My name is Lexi, I'm addicted to makeup and I'm one hour early! Haha!!!

To pass time I called my parents to calm my nerves... Then before I knew it Hrush was at the door ready to come in and teach us all her tricks!

Now I'm not going to give away all her secrets but definitely want to share a few things...
1. Hrush loves her students to know not only how to apply makeup and which products she likes using but WHY you apply it in that certain way and why you use certain products over others. It makes sense really but I guess a lot of us (and I'm guilty of it too) just want to know how? However we should know which ingredients are going onto our face and also why we apply it in a particular way so that way we can fully understand the process which will in the end give us the best results not only for us but for our clients too. 
2. Another thing I learnt was that neither the left nor the right side of our face are perfectly the same and you may be thinking oh I already knew that buuuutttt I didn't haha. Hrush taught me that seeing as our heart is on the left side of our body this means that the blood flows faster and harder therefore our left side of the face usually has a higher outlook so our eyebrow looks higher and you will find your eyes can appear larger! So for me that was awesome and so true. And that is why her contouring techniques are so important and unique because she can really pin point asymmetry on the face and correct them with makeup.

3. Another thing that she mentioned which I find very true is that no matter how big you are as a makeup artist that you should never feel like you are better than any other makeup artist and if you do then you have lost your mind! A beautiful thing about this industry is that it is ever growing and many people will come in and out but the humble and kind will always remain.

The seminar was 4 hours, we watched Hrush transform her model into her signature style and listened to her spill her secrets LUCKY US! I believe that her style really separates her from other makeup artists, this is why she is in my top fav makeup artists to follow on Instagram and her blog. I am completely drawn to her confidence, her style, her personality and her beauty. Below: Hrush and I taking a #selfie yay!

And here is a picture I took after the demonstration of the model that Hrush used. I think she looks stunning! Don't you?


The seminar inspired me and really confirmed to me that we have to believe in ourselves and we have to be passionate about our dreams which will in the end drive us to success!
Stay tuned for Day 2!

Love Lexi xx

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